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How to install this template
1,Download the template .2,Open the template file in any word editor . I recommend Notepad ++ for easy in editing .
3,To add social network account
Find this code :
<div id="submenu">
<ul class="subnav">
<li><a title="Subscribe to latest posts in RSS" rel="nofollow" href="/feeds/posts/default" class="gab_rss" target="_blank">RSS for Entries</a></li>
<li><a title="Subscribe to latest posts via email" rel="nofollow" href="" class="gab_email" target="_blank">Subscribe via E-mail</a></li>
<li><a title="follow on twitter" rel="nofollow" href="" class="gab_twitter" target="_blank">Follow on Twitter</a></li>
<li><a title="Connect on facebook" rel="nofollow" href="" class="gab_facebook" target="_blank">Connect on Facebook</a></li>
and change the link in bold to your social network and feed burner accounts .
4,Save template and upload to blogger .
5,Go to page elements .
6,To add logo
click on logo widget
and add your logo into widget content as structure
<img src="your logo url"/>
like picture bellow
7,To add item to main menu navigation
click on 'menunav' widget
add link to your categories
8,To add content in 'teaser' section
click on teaser widget
add the category name into widget content
Do the same for 'teaser','featureright','mediabar','primarybottomleft' widget
9,To add content in the tab
click on each widgets from 'priBottab1','priBottab2','priBottab3','priBotab4'
add the category name into widget content ,add the name of category into widget title.
10,Other widgets can be edit as you want . You can add script into widget content (ads ,video embed ...)
11,You can add or remove or move widgets in anyplace as you want .
Save changes . That's all for this template .
I hope this template work fine for you .
BalasHapuscangkok apa'an tuh sob ??
ane gk ngerti sob :)
kayak widget di bawah sub nav itu sob..ane gak ngerti .keren tuh kalo di pasang d blog ane kyaknya.. :D
BalasHapushehe . .
BalasHapusbisa dong sob . .
tinggal ambil kodenya aje sob . .
udah ane coba tapi loadingnya berat banget....
BalasHapus@Aran Kerorohaha
BalasHapusgk kog. saya udah pernah make jadi saya tau berat ato gk nya